Benjamin Schmid

Benjamin Schmid

Scientific Coordinator

Public Health Researcher at Consultant at the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Benjamin Schmid is a public health researcher and consultant, with an MSc in Global Public Health from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). He has worked with diverse academic institutions and humanitarian actors, including the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), the Danish Red Cross, and the University of Copenhagen. 

Benjamin is leading several key educational initiatives. He is the course director of the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in humanitarian settings executive short course from the Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies. In addition, he was the coordinator of the open-access MOOC on Operational Research in Humanitarian Settings and he currently supports the development of an MSc on Health in Humanitarian Crises at LSHTM.

His work has primarily centred around NCDs in humanitarian settings, including implementation research studies, commentaries, and a book chapter. In 2024, he published an operational handbook on planning, implementing and evaluating peer support approaches for people living with chronic diseases in humanitarian settings. 

He is an advocate for the inclusion of NCDs in humanitarian responses and people’s right to health.