Nicolas Meda

Nicolas Meda


Medical Epidemiologist, Professor of Public Health, and Senior Health Research Scientist

Based in Burkina Faso, Dr Meda is a medical epidemiologist, senior research scientist, trialist, evaluator, innovator, Professor of Public Health, and international expert on health and development, particularly, in HIV/AIDS, epidemic-prone diseases, nutrition, and women & children’s health. He established an international reputation in the field of the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV & other viruses through collaboration with various northern academic & research networks and institutions. His research results were instrumental in launching the first PMTCT programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Prof. Meda has accumulated more than 30 years experience of working in health research, higher education, international consultancy, and senior management interacting with high-profile actors in the global health landscape. Recent consultancy activities have provided technical support to Africa CDC in the implementation of two major programmes, namely MasterCard Foundation Saving Life and Livelihoods Programme to rollout Covid-19 vaccination in Africa and the Ministerial Executive Leadership Programme to turn engaged Health Ministers into transformational leaders able to strongly shape the future of Africa health agenda. Prof. Meda is the author of more than 350 articles published in international journals, a reviewer and member of editorial boards for several scientific journals, and a member of several national and international public health programmes steering committees, scientific review committees and networks.